Shards of soul

Who’s there?
You don’t remember me?
No, sorry…
Oh, how the time flies… We used to talk every day and night…
Are you…. My vulnerable side?
I am, yes… It seems like you slowly faded away from me… Do you still care about me?
I… Don’t think I do. ..
It’s alright, that doesn’t matter, of course you don’t, I’m you
Yeah, you are me…
Do you still like her?
Your childhood best friend
Sadly I do…
Why sadly?
She ignores me… Every day…
Oh… I’m sorry to hear that…
How about your friends? Do you still talk to each other?
No… We parted ways right after middle school… I’m not even surprised with it, everybody left me after I
changed school.
I never left you.
Yes, you did. Where were you all these years?
I was in the back of your head
What about the promise we made?
That I would’ve always been there for you?
Yes, what about it?
You forgot about me, replaced me with your other personalities… I never left you
It was better without you…
I always cared about you though
You never did, all you did was corrupt my mind with your intrusive thoughts…
I helped you through middle school
You hurt me, every day
That was my way of showing my love to you
That was love?
For me it was
For you… But that means you never cared about my opinion…
That’s also correct, but I was the only one there when you needed someone
She was there too
She left you when you needed her
But she was there
You need me
I don’t need you, I want you gone!
Those are big words, don’t say them without thinking
Why are you even back?
I sensed your pain, and knew it was my time to come back and help you out
I don’t need any help, especially not from you
But I love you
Stop it
I truly do
Then why did you push me into this void?

Why did you make me have the same nightmare, night after night…

Why did you have me stay up every night, over thinking every dialogue of that week?
Look I…
I can’t answer that question, could you ask another one?
Sorry, repeat?
No, I want answers about this, first
That is a question above the level of my understanding, I wasn’t created to hurt you, I don’t even know why
I was created… All I know is that I am your creation

What’s on your mind?
Why… Why now? I am content with the life I am living right now…

Did you tell her that you still love her?
I think she already knows…
That is why I am back… You need to let go of your past and move on
How can I carry on with my life when hers was taken away because of me?
It wasn’t your fault she left without warnings
It wasn’t her fault either, how could she expect herself to leave this horrible world so soon?
Then don’t blame yourself
You don’t even know why I’m blaming myself…
Actually, I do, I am you.
You’re just a tiny shard of my soul, don’t pretend to know me, you just know my most vulnerable side…
But i know it, I’m the only one who saw it
Those nightmares weren’t my memories right? They were yours
Congratulations on finding it out
I never liked you

You did like me, when you were all alone in this world… A little rabbit with no one by her side, against
something as big as the world…

You were always trapped in that cage of yours, crying yourself to sleep, hoping to wake up seeing them
with you… But you never did see them again
What can you know?? As I said, you’re just a shard of my soul, you don’t know everything!
But I know what you’ve been through

You can’t hide it from this little shard of pain, because i am all of your pain in one pill

While you still had other pieces inside you, i only had myself. That means that i am the pure feeling of pain,
betrayal, anger and so on…
You can’t lie about it, you loved seeing me suffer
I did… This little pain pill of yours was the cause of your misery

Delia Alexandrescu 2AA